How I Lost 50 Pounds… Without Working Out.

10360831_10100890465157943_3960812638159976554_nYes, it’s true! I lost 50 pounds and I didn’t really work out. I first want to say that I don’t condone NOT working out… I’m just lazy and aim to work out, but never really do. I’m a busy girl. I’ve made sacrifices, and I will be getting back into the gym <– see what just happened there? I will still try to work out, but anyway…

About 2 years ago I started gaining weight quickly and without cause. I had already gotten my thyroid checked, and my levels were normal. I have hypothyroidism and sadly must take medicine everyday to keep my thyroid levels normal. Well, the levels were normal and I wasn’t doing anything differently. Still drinking the same amount of wine. Not gorging on sweets (that much). What gives!?! Steadily my weight jumped to pushing 200 at 5’5 <– and a half!! That’s definitely in the BMI charts as obese. This was the heaviest I’d ever been by about 30 pounds!

When I jumped on the scale one day and saw 194 staring back at me, I knew it was time to go back to my doctor. Let me clarify before people get all huffy… 194 is beautiful if that is what you’re comfortable at. With my height, 194 just wasn’t healthy and I didn’t feel it. So for the first 15 pounds, my doctor helped me out with a medicine called Phentermene. I’m not saying it’s for everyone, but it helped me when I needed it. Once I started losing weight, I eased off the medicine and attacked my weight from a holistic view point. The remaining 35 pounds was all natural and all me.

I started doing rigorous research into the toxins we constantly put into our bodies and why detoxing is so important. The cleansing tools below were brought about over time. I did not jump head first into a detox obsession. Rather, it came about slowly because the results were obvious.

  1. I immediately started taking detox baths and saw a huge improvement in my health.
  2. I upped my water intake and concocted detox waters with powerful ingredients.
  3. I use essential oils each and every day; they’ve changed my life.
  4. I lather my body in coconut oil instead of lotion. This saves a ton of money and also moisturizes my skin naturally without all the added chemicals. Add essential oil for added benefit. Coconut oil is my favorite carrier oil. This is the recipe for my powerful skin serum base that you can add essential oils to for your needs. Read more about skin health here. 
  5. a2f900bca6a3d92fe6cdaf3903f0e066I spike my water with Citrus essential oils such as Citrus Fresh, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Orange, Tangerine, and Ginger to aid in weight management, appetite suppressant, cleansing, and digestion.
  6. Download a pedometer app. Okay, I said no working out, but we all at least TRY to workout, right? So this is nice because I can feel like I accomplished something if I have some decent steppage on my pedometer app.
  7. Take time for you. I stress a lot and even though I’m totally extroverted, I’m also quite introverted as well. I build up tension in my shoulders and neck, clenching my teeth without realizing it. This causes pain and headaches. Sometimes we all just need some alone time to de-stress and take it easy.
  8. Find your passions. Delve into new and exciting interests and hobbies. This will boost your motivation, releasing feel-good endorphines.
  9. 12- Tummy Roll OnUtilize Peppermint and Citrus Essential Oils for their weight management powers, including appetite suppressant and fat inhibitor. Rub the oils on stomach for digestion and tummy troubles. Diffuse. Rub on fatty areas to tighten skin and remove cellulite. Take in a capsule daily.
  10. I cut WAY back on the alcohol. So this wasn’t intentional, actually, because I quite enjoyed my glasses of wine each night. But my palate changed and soon wine, liquor, and most beer tasted repulsive. I’ve been able to drink hard cider with some ease, but I don’t want much. I think this is a great thing! But I will admit, cutting back from drinking a few glasses of wine each night to maybe one drink a week helped my weight start to fall off.
  11. I started eating less processed foods and more fruits and vegetables, fish and nuts.
  12. I started taking certain vitamins and supplements that were right for my body. My immune system is not great, so I introduced Vitamin C to my daily supplements. Vitamin B Complex also helped with energy and immune health. Research what’s right for you. Maca root is another supplement that aids in weight management.
  13. Get out more in nature. While this is breaching the “no working out” title, it’s easier to sneak in some fitness when it’s fun.
  14. I learned about dry brushing and attempt to remember to do it before detox baths.
  15. I also found out about oil pulling, which is where you take about a teaspoon to a tablespoon of oil, such as coconut oil, and add essential oils for flavor and health benefits, and swish it around your mouth like mouthwash. DO NOT SWALLOW. Pull the oil through your teeth for 10-20 minutes. I will admit I’m still new to this and can barely keep it in for 5, but you have to work with something. You are pulling toxins through your blood vessels and gums into the oil in your mouth. Spit it in toilet paper and throw it away. It will clog drains. Check out this article from Don’t Mess with Mama on oil pulling. 
  16. IMG_3594I started drinking 1-2 oz. of Ningxia Red each morning to boost my overall health.
  17. 1a0da5f9f599aab21aad78106a55b7f8I stopped wearing deodorant. Seriously. I freaked out too a bit. I have a massive fear of smelling bad (weird fear, I know). So I was pretty nervous, but I was also committed to finding an alternative to all those toxins! The lymph nodes in our armpits help flush out toxins in our bodies through sweating. If we block this sweating process through anti-perspirants, we are building up toxins within our bodies. The first step was detoxing my pits. I still use Apple Cider Vinegar in the mornings, then a few minutes later apply coconut oil and essential oils. My choices for my pits are either Thieves or Purification and normally something else, like Lavender to help with razor burn and skin health.
  18. I leaned heavily on certain Young Living Essential Oils for emotional balance. My world started tilting and I needed some emotional support. I received this support through the use of a diffuser necklace. I added a drop or two to a cork piece and smell it all day. The oils I use include Joy, Awaken, Release, Forgiveness, Valor, and Grounding… not at the same time. I also use these oils in the diffuser for emotional support.
  19. I utilized the powerful properties of crystals for healing.
  20. This wasn’t normally an issue for me, but I made sure I started getting 8+ hours of sleep each night. Sleep is important to me and thankfully, for once, it’s something that’s important for my health too!

As I stated above, I don’t do all these all the time, but I like to incorporate as many as I can into my regular routine. I’m now to a weight I’m comfortable at and the scale doesn’t mean much to me because I feel great! And that’s what should really matter.

Related Articles and Sites:

Ningxia Red

Ah, I adore Ningxia Red! What’s so great about Ningxia Red is that it contains so many nutrients in just 1-2 oz.! Some great things it does for me… Keeps me on a regular, healthy eating schedule, craving healthy food, drinking lots of water, flushing toxins, holds a migraine off like fucking superman if one is creeping up, keeps my bowels moving regularly, and I feel so incredibly happy, wishing strangers good days, smiling and jovial. So I’d say it’s a winner 😊

This is what Young Living says about Ningxia Red, “NingXia Red® is a powerful antioxidant drink that contains whole Ningxia wolfberry puree—a super blend of blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices, natural stevia extract, grape seed extract, pure vanilla extract, and orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine essential oils. Its health benefits include support from head to toe, via a whole body nutrient infusion. NingXia Wolfberries have been cherished for centuries for its health, energy, and longevity benefits. Whole Ningxia wolfberries and other nutrient-dense fruit juices make NingXia Red the perfect choice for optimizing wellness and stepping up to a whole new level of health.” Find out all it’s amazing benefits at the Young Living website.

Find out how to get 24% off your Young Living orders!

More Tips:

  1. Drink chilled
  2. Take a detox bath to aid the flushing out of those toxins!
  3. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated
  4. Add essential oils to boost the power

Where to Buy Essential Oils

I have scoured the interwebs in my search for the most natural, healthy essential oil companies and one conclusion ended all doubt… Young Living (YL) is the best. After trying YL in comparison to other companies distilling the oils, I knew I couldn’t go back. I’ll let the company’s mission statement speak for itself, “We honor our stewardship to champion nature’s living energy, essential oils, by fostering a community of healing and discovery while inspiring individuals to wellness, purpose, and abundance.” Young Living Essential Oils are 100% pure therapeutic-grade essential oils. They set the standard for purity and authenticity. They carefully monitor every step of the production of their oils from Seed to Seal – from the time the first seed is planted to the time the bottle is sealed.

If you want to get the best deal on essential oils, become a wholesale member to receive 24% off retail prices! You will also then qualify for the Premium Starter Kit! You don’t have to become a wholesale member to buy the oils. You will pay more for the oils at the retail value, but you do have the option to become a retail member instead of wholesale.  Here’s what’s included in the Premium Starter Kit ($300 retail value but wholesale members can get it for JUST $160 <– that’s a great deal!:

Premium Starter Kit

  • The Everyday Oils collection – 10 of the most popular essential oils from Young Living, including (all 5 ml bottles) Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon, Frankincense, PanAway, Thieves, Purification, Copaiba, R.C. and DiGize.
  • A home diffuser (retail value $96 – this is a staple in my home)
  • Essential oils user’s guide
  • Stress Away 5-ml bottle
  • AromaGlide Roller Fitment (to turn any oil into a roll on)
  • 10 Sample Packets (for you to share with your friends!)
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Bottles and Business Cards
  • Two NingXia Red 2-oz. samples (energy support)
  • Product Guide and Product Price List
  • Essential Oil Magazine (new!)
  • Member Resources and Information

Remember: you’re NOT obligated to make any further purchases after this. Wholesale membership simply allows you to buy the Premium Starter Kit at a huge discount.

How to Sign Up as a Wholesale Member

1. Click over to the Sign-Up page.

2. Select “Sign up as: Young Living Wholesale Member”.

3. The “Enroller ID” and “Sponsor ID” boxes should already be filled in for you. But if not, enter 2529635 for sponsor and 2529635 for enroller. 

4. Fill out your name, billing address, shipping address, and contact info. You’ll be asked for your social security number… that’s for tax purposes. If you make over $600/year PROFIT selling Young Living products, you will receive a 1099 form in the mail, as is required by law. Young Living will never share this info with anyone.

5. Create your password and pin which you will use to log in to your account and order your oils.


6. Select your order: the “Premium”, “Basic “Plus” or “Basic” Starter Kit. I highly recommend the Premium: it comes with everything you need to get started, and it’s the best value of the three.

7. Set up your *optional* Essential Rewards Program (ER). You are NOT required to enroll in this program. This is a rewards program to earn money to pay for your oils. At this point, you can skip this step by selecting: ‘No, thank you. I plan on enrolling in the Essential Rewards Program later’.

8. Agree to the Terms & Conditions.

9. CONFIRM YOUR ORDER! I’ve had many folks miss this step and end up not fully checking out – and I don’t want you missing out on your oils!

That’s really it. Everything else is just a HUGE bonus for you. Tons of resources, free shiz, living a healthy life… you get the idea.

WooHoo!! Your life is about to change. BAM. Do you feel it? It’s exciting, I know. Your enrollment gift is on its way and I will touch base with you soon to see how you like your oils.

Everyday Oils Infographic-Stress-Away

There’s More!!

When you sign up as a wholesale member under me, you also get the added benefits of utilizing all the great resources of Don’t Mess with Mama, who I have found to be extremely useful in learning about the oils and then furthering my oil endeavor. She also has a beneficial FaceBook page! Everyone who signs up under me will also get an enrollment gift, which will be given or sent immediately upon sign-up.

No Gimmicks! Seriously!

Here’s the thing… once you try these oils, you won’t go back either. So you can do one of two things… both of which are great!

  1. Sign up as a retail member to purchase the oils individually at retail price.
  2. Sign up as a wholesale member with no fees, plus 24% off retail value. You don’t have to sell anything. If you want to make this into a business, you absolutely can, but that’s up to you! All that wholesale membership requires is a Personal Value (PV) purchase of at least 50 a year… since the majority of PV are dollar for dollar, the Premium Starter Kit you get at half price for $160 upon registering will satisfy that requirement for this year. You would then want to purchase $50 worth of oils next year, but I doubt you’ll be able to wait that long! Plus, if you decide against it, your wholesale membership will just deactivate and you will lose any points you may have earned on Essential Rewards. Young Living won’t charge your card each year for however many years… if you decided next year you did not want to order, your account would simply be put on hold, in a sense.

If you have any questions about retail versus wholesale membership, Essential Rewards, etc., please do not hesitate to ask! I am here to help!

Other helpful links:

  1. Young Living explains essential oils with text, video, and photos.
  2. Young Living essential oil guide
  3. Ways to Use Essential Oils
  4. 20+ Ways to Live a Healthier Life
  5. How I Lost 50 Pounds… Without Working Out!!