Totem Animals

totem_animals_by_fuocorupestre-d60vupsAnimal totems play huge roles in our lives. They aid in self-discovery and capture our imagination, giving us incredible avenues of self-expression and awareness.

Additionally, they assist in understanding our past, and if we are attentive, our animal totems can reveal glimpses of our future.

Webster’s Dictionary defines a totem as: “A natural object, usually an animal that serves as a distinctive, often venerated emblem or symbol. A means of personal or spiritual identity.”

Animals serve as harbingers of personality traits we, as humans, all aspire to achieve. This makes animals some of the most powerful symbols in our spiritual toolbox.

Animals afford us visions of how our lives could be if we lived more simply and lived with purity of thought and emotion. Therefore, incorporating animal totems into our lives affirms our spiritual goals.

By focusing on the attributes of our totems, we internalize these traits and thus begin to externalize the very character we absorb from our totems.

Photo Reference


These wonderful animals are in my dreams almost every single night. I did some research to see if perhaps my soul was connected to whales in some way. Below are my findings:

  • Emotional creativity, well-being, nurturing, & emotional depth
  • Deeper Awareness
  • Cosmic Consciousness
  • Emotional Rebirth and Understanding
  • Nurturing and Devotion to Community
  • Appreciation for Beauty, (especially song and dance)
  • The Importance of Balance (emotional and otherwise)

The oceans, and water in general holds age-old symbolism of emotional depth. Some emotions we bury beneath the fathoms of our consciousness; these emotions are the leviathans of our being – the lumbering beasts we dare not let surface.

Those who are magnetized by whale energy will tend to be incredibly deep in sensitivity. The depth of feeling whale-totem-people endure can be overwhelming. Whale people are super-perceptive about the feelings of those around them, and this can manifest into an internal pressure that can be quite crushing. The whale can help with the overwhelming feelings and even temper the onslaught of emotions picked up from other people too. If you are extraordinarily affected by the emotions of others, or your own emotions are so intense as to cause discomfort, your whale totem can help.

Whales are masters of:

  • Navigation: Moving through emotional depths
  • Communication: Effectively expressing emotional experiences
  • Conservation: Using emotional energy for fuel and not being consumed by emotional floods